Saturday, January 10, 2009

Menu Plan

I've decided to post my menu for every two weeks on here. This will probably be pretty boring for you, but it will help me realize what recipes I need to post on here, and will hopefully ensure that we eat different things instead of the same things over and over. are the meals I shopped for today:

1. Spaghetti Soup/salad/bread
2. Roast chicken/mashed potatoes/green beans
4. Pulled-pork sandwiches/baked beans/corn on cob
6. Tacos/refried beans
8. Fajitas/black beans
10. Potato soup/cornbread
12. Imperial chicken/salad/veggie
13. Homemade pizza--cheese, pepperoni, veggies
14. Chicken spaghetti/veggie or salad/bread
15. Leftovers

I don't designate a night to cook each meal. I keep this list on a magnetic pad on my fridge and I just choose every morning what we're having for dinner that night. If my day is busy, we'll do something easy like tacos. If I have an afternoon at home, I might choose to roast the chicken that day. On days I have Brownies, I choose a crock-pot meal. 

I've gotten in the habit over the years of choosing the dinner menu while I'm getting breakfast ready. That way, I can set the meat down to thaw and do any prep I need to during the day.

Works for me!


Teri H said...

I love to read others menus! It gives me inspiration!

Stephanie Kay said...

It's funny the difference having a meal plan makes in my grocery budget and my ability to get a meal on the table.

I have a slightly different approach. You can see my January menu on my recipe blog ( Even though I put my menu in calendar form I don't always fix what's scheduled. I mark the meals off as I prepare them so I know those ingredients are gone. I could talk about menu planning stuff all day. = ) But I'll stop now.

Robin Green said...

I'm curious as to what you do with all the leftovers? I, too, grocery shop for two weeks at a time, but only plan 10 meals because of the leftovers. Things like soup or casseroles always feed our family of five twice or more. Do you freeze or eat them for lunch? We eat sandwiches a lot for lunch so that we can have the cooked meal again for supper.

Anonymous said...

What recipe do you use to make your chicken spaghetti? I've been married for almost 8 years and I've never tried to make chicken speghetti. I think my family would love it!

Thanks for sharing your meal plan and recipes!

December was the first month I tried meal planning in a long time and I did the same thing - just made a list of meals and then decided that morning what would work best for us that evening. Great idea! You inspired me to get going again for January - even if it is already the 12th!

Keep posting all your recipes! It is such a useful tool and I really appreciate the help!

~ Ali

Gretchen said...

Umm...I copied every last one of them. If you ever come visit, we'll have to take you out to eat, or you'll be feeling like you're eating at home. :)